On this page you will find links to other websites.

ICPerMed Conference 2020 ‘Personalised Medicine – From Vision to Practice’
The ICPerMed conference will take place in Paris, France, at La Maison de la Chimie on 15-16 October, 2020, and will demonstrate how personalised medicine will lead to the next generation of healthcare by 2030.

ICPerMed (International Consortium for Personalised Medicine)
ICPerMed was initiated together with the European Commission throughout 2016. It is a framework for cooperation between its member organisations to foster and coordinate research as driver of personalised medicine. www.icpermed.eu

CSA PerMed
The Coordination and Support Action PerMed aims at identifying and promoting promising research topics, developing strategic research and innovation agendas in Europe and beyond, and bringing forward the implementation of personalised medicine for the benefit of the society. www.permed2020.eu/

ERA PerMed is an ERA-Net Cofund, supported by 32 partners from 23 countries and co-funded by the European Commission. Its aim is to align national research strategies, promote excellence, reinforce the competitiveness of European players in personalised medicine, and enhance the European collaboration with non-EU countries. www.erapermed.eu

ÖPPM is the Austrian Platform for Personalised Medicine. It addresses all persons interested who want to contribute to the progress of personalised medicine in Austria. It aims at connecting all relevant players, thereby transcending disciplinary and geographical boundaries, reaching out at European and international levels. Dr. Susanne Giesecke is coordinator of the Working Group on Ethics & Society.