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Project members:
Apostolos Tsiachristas is an Associate Professor in Health Economics at the Health Economics Research Centre (HERC), University of Oxford. His main research interests are related to the economic evaluation and financing of complex interventions, with a particular focus on integrated care and mental health care. Apostolos has varied experience in working in experimental and observational studies in diverse clinical areas such as psychosis, self-harm, dementia, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer. Apostolos obtained a PhD in Health economics and a MSc in Financial Economics from Erasmus University Rotterdam. He is Editor in prestigious international scientific journals such as BMC-Health Services Research, International Journal of Integrated Care and Health Policy.
Contact: apostolos.tsiachristas (at)
Sarah Wordsworth is a Professor in the Health Economics Research Centre, University of Oxford. She has over 20 years’ experience in the evaluation of costs and benefits of health care technologies. Since 2003 she has led a research programme on the economics of genetic and genomic technologies and personalised medicine. Of particular interest are the economics of translating genomic high-throughput technologies from research into clinical practice, in cancer, infectious disease and cardiovascular disease. Sarah is lead for the 100,000 Genomes Project, Genomics England Health Economics Clinical Interpretation Partnership and an advisor to NHS England on the implementation of whole genome sequencing into the UK National Health Service. She acts as a health economic for the UK Department of Trade and industry and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (United States). She has co-authored several text books on analysis methods for health economics and genomic research audiences and wrote the economics chapter for the 2017 Chief Medical Officer Annual Report, which was on Genomics. She is a member of the Centre for Personalised Medicine and Co-Director of a new course on Precision Cancer Medicine at the University of Oxford. Prior to working in Oxford, Sarah worked in the Health Economics Research Unit at the University of Aberdeen from 1995-2002, after completing her MSc in Health Economics in 1995 at the University of York.
Contact: sarah.wordsworth (at)
Rositsa Koleva-Kolarova joined HERC in May 2019 as a senior researcher to work on the HEcoPerMed project. Previously she held an appointment as a research fellow in health economics in the Department of Population Health Sciences, School of Population Health & Environmental Sciences, King’s College London. She worked on economic evaluation projects on stratifying antihypertensive treatment according to individuals’ ethnicity background, pharmacogenetics and pharmacogenomics for cardiovascular diseases, and evaluating new models of care (Vanguards). Rositsa obtained her PhD from the University of Groningen, the Netherlands, and held an appointment as an assistant professor at the Department of Public Health Sciences, Faculty of Public Health, Medical University Pleven, Bulgaria.
Contact: rositsa.koleva-kolarova (at)
James Buchanan joined the Health Economics Research Centre in September 2005, having completed his MA in Economic Development and Policy Analysis and his BA in Economics at the University of Nottingham. He is currently working on a number of projects in the area of genomic testing. These include economic evaluations of the use of genomic testing to guide treatment decisions for chronic lymphocytic leukaemia patients, to identify gastrointestinal pathogens to improve hospital infection control practice, and to stratify patients to more or less intensive screening in the UK Bowel Cancer Screening Programme. James is also applying stated preference techniques to evaluate the preferences of patients and clinicians for these tests. Alongside this academic work, James curates the Health Economics and Genomics blog.
Contact: james.buchanan (at)