HEcoPerMed events and participations
Date | Event | HEcoPerMed Contribution | HEcoPerMed Representative |
27/06/2022 | Regions4PerMed Conference | Presentation/ Discussions | Rositsa Koleva-Kolarova, University of Oxford |
22/06/2022 | ICPerMed Workshop | Presentation/ Discussions | Maureen Rutten-van Mölken, iMTA/Erasmus University Rotterdam |
28/04/2022 | HEcoPerMed Final Conference | Presentation/ Discussion | Consortium |
25/04/2022 | Sapphire Final Conference | Presentation/ Discussions | Rositsa Koleva-Kolarova, University of Oxford |
31/03/2022 | UPGx symposium | Presentation/ Discussions | Matthijs Versteegh, iMTA |
30/03/2022 | DIA Europe 2022 | Presentation/ Discussions | Doris Schartinger, AIT |
30/11/2021 –3/12/2021 (Session: 30/11/2021, 15:30 – 16:30) | Virtual ISPOR Europe 2021 , Session: 23 Recommendations in Modelling Precision Medicine: Learning from Case Studies in Tumour Agnostic Treatments, DPYD Genotyping and Maturity Onset Diabetes of the Young | Presentation/Discussions | Matthijs Versteegh, Balázs Nagy, Maureen Rutten-Van Mölken, Sarah Wordsworth / Consortium |
9-10/11/2021 | ICPerMed Family Meeting – Joining Forces | Presentation/Discussions | Matthijs Versteegh, iMTA / Consortium |
19/10/2021 | PERMIT Workshop | Presentation/ Discussions | Maureen Rutten-van Mölken, iMTA/Erasmus University Rotterdam |
5-6/10/2021 | HEcoPerMed Workshop “Personalised medicine specific health economic and payment modelling” (Budapest, HU) Download Agenda | Presentations/ Discussions | Consortium |
16-21/09/2021 | ESMO Congress | Presentation | Irene Santi, iMTA |
16/06/2021 | HEcoPerMed Consortium Meeting | Presentations/ Discussions | Consortium |
11/05/2021 | SAPHIRe Webinar (online) | Presentation/ Discussion | Rositsa Koleva-Kolarova, University of Oxford |
20/04/2021 | HEcoPerMed Virtual Workshop on Financing and Reimbursement for Personalised Medicine – the way forward | Presentations/ Discussions | Consortium |
29/03/2021 | Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences “Van ontwikkelfase naar patiënt” | Presentation | Maureen Rutten-van Mölken, iMTA/Erasmus University Rotterdam |
11/03/2021 | Coordinators Meeting of the ICPerMed-related CSAs (online) | Presentation | Susanne Giesecke, AIT; Wolfgang Ballensiefen, DLR |
17/12/2020 | HEcoPerMed Consortium Meeting | Presentations/ Discussions | Consortium |
16-19/11/2020 | Virtual ISPOR Europe 2020 Workshop on “Value-Based and Affordable Precision Medicine: Recommendations for Health Economic Modelling, Innovative R&D Funding and Provider-Payment” at ISPOR Europe 2020 Podium talk about “Financing and reimbursement for personalised medicine – are we there yet?” at ISPOR Europe 2020 | Presentation/ Discussion | James Buchanan, Rositsa Koleva-Kolarova, Maureen Rutten-Van Mölken, Balázs Nagy, Apostolos Tsiachristas, Matthijs Versteegh, Sarah Wordsworth |
10/11/2020 | Seminar on “Precision Medicine: A Health Economics Perspective” (University of Oslo) | Keynote | Apostolos Tsiachristas |
15-16/10/2020 | Regions4PerMed CSA Regions4PerMed CSA event ‘Personalising Health Industry’ | Presentation: Valorising Personalised Medicine and Therapeutics | Apostolos Tsiachristas, University of Oxford |
01/10/2020 | ICPerMed related CSAs coodinators meeting (online) | Presentation | Wolfgang Ballensiefen, DLR |
24/09/2020 | HEcoPerMed Workshop with health economy experts: Guidance and 3 case studies on health economic modelling of personalised medicine (online) | Presentations/ Discussions | Consortium |
22-23/06/2020 | HEcoPerMed Consortium Meeting | Presentations/ Discussions | Consortium |
17-18/02/2020 | IC2PerMed – Kick Off Meeting | Presentations/ Discussions | Manuela Kienegger |
02-03/12/2019 | HEcoPerMed Consortium Meeting (Vienna, AT) | Presentations/ Discussions | Consortium |
04-05/11/2019 | ICPerMed Workshop (Madrid, ES) | Presentation | Susanne Giesecke, AIT |
03/11/2019 | ICPerMed ComEx meeting (Madrid, ES) | Presentation | Susanne Giesecke, AIT |
14/10/2019 | 3rd Annual Meeting of the ÖPPM (Austrian Platform for Personalised Medicine) (Vienna, AT) | Workshop implementation “Economic Aspects of Personalised Medicine” | Susanne Giesecke/ Manuela Kienegger |
14/10/2019 | 3rd Annual Meeting of the ÖPPM (Austrian Platform for Personalised Medicine) (Vienna, AT) | Key note “Economic Aspects of PM” | Apostolos Tsiachristas, University of Oxford |
20-21/06/2019 | HEcoPerMed Consortium Meeting (Oxford, UK) | Presentations/ Discussions | Consortium |
28-29/01/2019 | HEcoPerMed Kick-off meeting (Brussels, BE) | Presentations/ Discussions | Consortium |